August 2010 | Singapore Travel Blog August 2010 - Singapore Travel Blog

In the arithmetic of love , one plus one equals everything , and two minus one equals nothing .

Greendale August 31, 2010
Once you find someone you really love try yur hardest not to lose them Because you will never get over the feeling of loneliness . Aces day workout was really slack ._. , I didn't even skip once cause I was busy snapping photos ;X . But it was really great to see everyone in their class tees , to see everyone so...Read More

Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson : you find the present tense , but the past perfect .

August 28, 2010
I don't miss you anymore .I cry about you being gone . It still hurts .But I've stopped wishing you were still mine . The fact that I don't care anymore makes me want to go through it all again .I should miss you .-从今以后,我要更勇敢。因为生命还有更多值得去争取,更多更美好的事情。只有不断前进,把该留下的留下,继续在人生画下更美丽的风景。我相信我可以。加油啊,大家!;D ...Read More

Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act .

Greendale August 23, 2010
A watched kettle never boils . That was how I felt like when I was uploading all 68 images of Vanessa's birthday celebration in facebook . (All the pictures were either from Vanessa's handphone , or Yingying's camera anyway , cause I forgot to bring my camera that day) . But that's not the point . The point is ... It's finally Vanessa's...Read More

I don't know why they call it heartbreak - it feels like every other part of my body is broken too .

August 19, 2010
Why do things have to pass you by ?The things that are so irreplaceable ,They seem to run by without giving us the chance to see how much we've just lost .No one realises the beauty of love ,Until you lose it .Still sick . Still thinking too much . Still missing you .I think I'll only be going back to school on...Read More

They say love is magic , but isn't magic just an illusion ?

August 17, 2010

You tripped me , I'm stupid in love .

August 16, 2010
You're like a kid . When you want a toy , you beg like hell for it , you find all means and ways to get it , after you obtain it , you love it . But you grew sick of it gradually as time elapse . That's when you throw it aside and forget all the times when it made you...Read More

Although God demands a whole heart , He will still accept a broken one if He gets all the pieces .

Greendale August 13, 2010
When I saw you today , a mixture of feelings just came rushing to me . Like the missing of you , like how I think would never stop feeling upset because of you . I know I'm not suppose feel sad anymore , I'm not suppose to feel like this . I feel so weak . So much more fallible and fragile...Read More

You said this is for the best so why am I in tears ?

August 11, 2010
I took the wrong bus to school and had to cab to school on the end , LMAO .Slept like 2hours in class today , LOL :BHojinyee , you're still the one I love :( ...Read More


Greendale August 10, 2010
Gave school a miss today as I was tired D: Went to meet Xueying , Yingying and Suxian , and went to pool . I owned everyone in pool today ! \m/ Hohoho . Happyhappy me {: - Don't be flattered that he misses you . He should miss you . You’re deeply missable . However , he’s still the same person who...Read More

How can I ever be happy without you?

August 09, 2010
I've always wished these (picture above) existed . Not for me , but for the people around me . Many people can't really comprehend my optimism , even I wonder too sometimes . With these pills , I can cure heartaches , loneliness , sadness , anger - all the negative emotions . Then I can be the happy fairy .It's funny how...Read More


August 07, 2010
Maybe yur first love is the one that sticks with you because it's the only person who will ever receive all of you . After that , you learn better . But , most of all , no matter what , a piece of you remains left behind in the heart of the one you loved - a piece no future lover could...Read More

With every generation , there's more to be grateful for .

Greendale August 06, 2010
Nationalday celebration was (Y)(Y) . Everyone was so high and happy ^^ Cabbed home after school , prepared and met up with Yingying & Xueying at Celeisure . Our awesome movie day turned into our awesome kbox day , Nevertheless , it was still as awesome . :D - After one week plus , I thought it through and decided to take it...Read More