December 2015 | Singapore Travel Blog December 2015 - Singapore Travel Blog

I don't wanna fall in love

Love December 24, 2015
People spend so much of their lives trying to figure out what love is. All the books, songs and movies written about love... But nothing else compares to what you personally feel. I like to think of love as some sort of blanket, kind of like a blanket of security. That when you're in it, you feel warmth, comfort and in that moment,...Read More

Why I've stopped blogging

Life December 02, 2015
I promise you this picture is related to my blog post. With almost a month since my last post, this might just be the longest break I've ever taken from blogging. I'll explain why in a bit but stick with me while I reminisce the good times. It's been more than ten years since that day I stumbled upon blogger through a Yahoo...Read More